Live Stream

Who are we?

On behalf of all of us here, at First Baptist, it is my privilege to extend a welcome to everyone present today. It is our desire that, in all the reminiscing of today, God will receive glory for His great grace and faithfulness.

In Psalm 77:11-12 Asaph says, “I will remember the works of the LORD; surely I will remember thy wonders of old. I will meditate also of all thy works, and talk of thy doings.” Asaph was aware that the direction and experiences of his life was of the LORD to His glory.

As we enjoy the treasure of all our reminiscing with each other, renewing old acquaintances, let us be very aware of giving praise to our God. He has never failed us, always proving His grace to sustain, to His glory. The occasion which brings us to this day is a testimony to what God is able to do. Therefore, let us continually be encouraged to “…not be weary in well doing…” because, “This God is our God forever and ever, He will be our guide even unto death.” By this faithfulness and grace, let the cause of Jesus Christ crucified occupy our hearts until He comes.